Langstroth Honeybee Brood Box
Managing honeybees is an exacting business. Anything that helps you get better control over the variables is a major advantage. With over 40 years of manufacturing Megablock bee nesting materials, Beaver Plastics has applied the precise molding technology to produce a superior quality Langstroth honeybee brood box.
Beaver Plastics’ molded Langstroth honeybee brood box gives you many advantages over conventional wood. Beekeepers report greater yields and better overwintering survival rates. Take a look at some of the advantages of Beaver Plastics Langstroth honeybee brood boxes:
Excellent insulation properties
Will not expand or shrink due to moisture
Light weight
Discourages mold growth
Provides years of service with proper care
Readily accepted by honeybees
No nails to spring loose